Karlheinz Stockhausen - SOLO

SOLO - Score Builder Tutorial


This tutorial follows after reading the SOLO - Score Builder Manual. Before starting, it is essential to have read the instructions provided by Stockhausen in the introduction of the original score.

  1. Download the Solo Score Builder MaxMSP patch.
  2. Unzip.
  3. Open the MAIN.maxpat, the process may take several minutes.
  4. Select the Formschema Version you want to use using the dropdown menu.
  5. Click the PAGES ORDER button to randomize the pages sequence. This will also trigger the selected cycle in the Formschema Instructions section.
  6. Be sure that the cycle A is selected in the Formschema Instructions.
  7. Adjust the percentage numbers in the "Material Chooser" section and click START to refresh.
  8. Write the score corresponding to the cycle A following the "Formschema Instructions" and the related material given from the "Material Chooser" section.
  9. Repeat the process for each cycle. Select the cycle by clicking the corresponding label in the "Formschema Instructions" section.

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